Package | TC | CC | AC | Ca | Ce | A | I | D | V |
net.sf.json | 13 | 10 | 3 | 5 | 20 | 23.0% | 80.0% | 3.0% | 1 |
net.sf.json.filters | 7 | 6 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 14.0% | 100.0% | 14.0% | 1 |
net.sf.json.groovy | 16 | 16 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 0.0% | 100.0% | 0.0% | 1 |
net.sf.json.processors | 20 | 12 | 8 | 1 | 6 | 40.0% | 86.0% | 26.0% | 1 |
net.sf.json.regexp | 4 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 25.0% | 67.0% | 8.0% | 1 |
net.sf.json.test | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 0.0% | 100.0% | 0.0% | 1 |
net.sf.json.util | 33 | 25 | 8 | 5 | 11 | 24.0% | 69.0% | 7.0% | 1 |
net.sf.json.xml | 4 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 8 | 25.0% | 100.0% | 25.0% | 1 |
Afferent Couplings | Efferent Couplings | Abstractness | Instability | Distance |
5 | 20 | 23.0% | 80.0% | 3.0% |
Abstract Classes | Concrete Classes | Used by Packages | Uses Packages |
net.sf.json.AbstractJSON net.sf.json.JSON net.sf.json.JSONString |
net.sf.json.AbstractJSON$1 net.sf.json.AbstractJSON$CycleSet net.sf.json.JSONArray net.sf.json.JSONArray$JSONArrayListIterator net.sf.json.JSONException net.sf.json.JSONFunction net.sf.json.JSONNull net.sf.json.JSONObject net.sf.json.JSONSerializer net.sf.json.JsonConfig |
net.sf.json.groovy net.sf.json.processors net.sf.json.test net.sf.json.util net.sf.json.xml |
java.beans java.lang java.lang.annotation java.lang.ref java.lang.reflect java.util net.sf.ezmorph net.sf.ezmorph.array net.sf.ezmorph.bean net.sf.ezmorph.object net.sf.json.processors net.sf.json.regexp net.sf.json.util org.apache.commons.beanutils org.apache.commons.lang org.apache.commons.lang.builder org.apache.commons.lang.exception org.apache.commons.logging |
Afferent Couplings | Efferent Couplings | Abstractness | Instability | Distance |
0 | 3 | 14.0% | 100.0% | 14.0% |
Abstract Classes | Concrete Classes | Used by Packages | Uses Packages |
net.sf.json.filters.MappingPropertyFilter |
net.sf.json.filters.AndPropertyFilter net.sf.json.filters.CompositePropertyFilter net.sf.json.filters.FalsePropertyFilter net.sf.json.filters.NotPropertyFilter net.sf.json.filters.OrPropertyFilter net.sf.json.filters.TruePropertyFilter |
None | java.lang java.util net.sf.json.util |
Afferent Couplings | Efferent Couplings | Abstractness | Instability | Distance |
0 | 8 | 0.0% | 100.0% | 0.0% |
Abstract Classes | Concrete Classes | Used by Packages | Uses Packages |
None | net.sf.json.groovy.GJson net.sf.json.groovy.GJson$_enhanceCollection_closure4 net.sf.json.groovy.GJson$_enhanceCollection_closure5 net.sf.json.groovy.GJson$_enhanceCollection_closure6 net.sf.json.groovy.GJson$_enhanceJSONObject_closure10 net.sf.json.groovy.GJson$_enhanceJSONObject_closure11 net.sf.json.groovy.GJson$_enhanceJSONObject_closure12 net.sf.json.groovy.GJson$_enhanceJSONObject_closure13 net.sf.json.groovy.GJson$_enhanceMap_closure7 net.sf.json.groovy.GJson$_enhanceMap_closure8 net.sf.json.groovy.GJson$_enhanceMap_closure9 net.sf.json.groovy.GJson$_enhanceString_closure1 net.sf.json.groovy.GJson$_enhanceString_closure2 net.sf.json.groovy.GJson$_enhanceString_closure3 net.sf.json.groovy.JsonGroovyBuilder net.sf.json.groovy.JsonSlurper |
None | groovy.lang java.lang java.util net.sf.json org.codehaus.groovy.runtime org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling |
Afferent Couplings | Efferent Couplings | Abstractness | Instability | Distance |
1 | 6 | 40.0% | 86.0% | 26.0% |
Abstract Classes | Concrete Classes | Used by Packages | Uses Packages |
net.sf.json.processors.DefaultValueProcessor net.sf.json.processors.DefaultValueProcessorMatcher net.sf.json.processors.JsonBeanProcessor net.sf.json.processors.JsonBeanProcessorMatcher net.sf.json.processors.JsonValueProcessor net.sf.json.processors.JsonValueProcessorMatcher net.sf.json.processors.PropertyNameProcessor net.sf.json.processors.PropertyNameProcessorMatcher |
net.sf.json.processors.DefaultDefaultValueProcessor net.sf.json.processors.DefaultValueProcessorMatcher$1 net.sf.json.processors.DefaultValueProcessorMatcher$DefaultDefaultValueProcessorMatcher net.sf.json.processors.JsDateJsonBeanProcessor net.sf.json.processors.JsDateJsonValueProcessor net.sf.json.processors.JsonBeanProcessorMatcher$1 net.sf.json.processors.JsonBeanProcessorMatcher$DefaultJsonBeanProcessorMatcher net.sf.json.processors.JsonValueProcessorMatcher$1 net.sf.json.processors.JsonValueProcessorMatcher$DefaultJsonValueProcessorMatcher net.sf.json.processors.JsonVerifier net.sf.json.processors.PropertyNameProcessorMatcher$1 net.sf.json.processors.PropertyNameProcessorMatcher$DefaultPropertyNameProcessorMatcher |
net.sf.json |
java.lang java.math java.sql java.util net.sf.json net.sf.json.util |
Afferent Couplings | Efferent Couplings | Abstractness | Instability | Distance |
2 | 4 | 25.0% | 67.0% | 8.0% |
Abstract Classes | Concrete Classes | Used by Packages | Uses Packages |
net.sf.json.regexp.RegexpMatcher |
net.sf.json.regexp.JdkRegexpMatcher net.sf.json.regexp.Perl5RegexpMatcher net.sf.json.regexp.RegexpUtils |
net.sf.json net.sf.json.util |
java.lang java.util.regex org.apache.commons.lang.exception org.apache.oro.text.regex |
Afferent Couplings | Efferent Couplings | Abstractness | Instability | Distance |
0 | 7 | 0.0% | 100.0% | 0.0% |
Abstract Classes | Concrete Classes | Used by Packages | Uses Packages |
None | net.sf.json.test.JSONAssert |
None | java.lang java.util junit.framework net.sf.ezmorph net.sf.ezmorph.object net.sf.json net.sf.json.util |
Afferent Couplings | Efferent Couplings | Abstractness | Instability | Distance |
5 | 11 | 24.0% | 69.0% | 7.0% |
Abstract Classes | Concrete Classes | Used by Packages | Uses Packages |
net.sf.json.util.CycleDetectionStrategy net.sf.json.util.JavaIdentifierTransformer net.sf.json.util.JsonEventListener net.sf.json.util.NewBeanInstanceStrategy net.sf.json.util.PropertyExclusionClassMatcher net.sf.json.util.PropertyFilter net.sf.json.util.PropertySetStrategy net.sf.json.util.WebHijackPreventionStrategy |
net.sf.json.util.CycleDetectionStrategy$1 net.sf.json.util.CycleDetectionStrategy$LenientCycleDetectionStrategy net.sf.json.util.CycleDetectionStrategy$LenientNoRefCycleDetectionStrategy net.sf.json.util.CycleDetectionStrategy$StrictCycleDetectionStrategy net.sf.json.util.EnumMorpher net.sf.json.util.JSONBuilder net.sf.json.util.JSONStringer net.sf.json.util.JSONTokener net.sf.json.util.JSONUtils net.sf.json.util.JavaIdentifierTransformer$1 net.sf.json.util.JavaIdentifierTransformer$CamelCaseJavaIdentifierTransformer net.sf.json.util.JavaIdentifierTransformer$NoopJavaIdentifierTransformer net.sf.json.util.JavaIdentifierTransformer$StrictJavaIdentifierTransformer net.sf.json.util.JavaIdentifierTransformer$UnderscoreJavaIdentifierTransformer net.sf.json.util.JavaIdentifierTransformer$WhiteSpaceJavaIdentifierTransformer net.sf.json.util.NewBeanInstanceStrategy$1 net.sf.json.util.NewBeanInstanceStrategy$DefaultNewBeanInstanceStrategy net.sf.json.util.PropertyExclusionClassMatcher$1 net.sf.json.util.PropertyExclusionClassMatcher$DefaultPropertyExclusionClassMatcher net.sf.json.util.PropertySetStrategy$1 net.sf.json.util.PropertySetStrategy$DefaultPropertySetStrategy net.sf.json.util.WebHijackPreventionStrategy$1 net.sf.json.util.WebHijackPreventionStrategy$CommentWebHijackPreventionStrategy net.sf.json.util.WebHijackPreventionStrategy$InfiniteLoopWebHijackPreventionStrategy net.sf.json.util.WebUtils |
net.sf.json net.sf.json.filters net.sf.json.processors net.sf.json.test net.sf.json.xml | java.lang java.lang.reflect java.math java.util net.sf.ezmorph net.sf.ezmorph.bean net.sf.json net.sf.json.regexp org.apache.commons.beanutils org.apache.commons.lang |
Afferent Couplings | Efferent Couplings | Abstractness | Instability | Distance |
0 | 8 | 25.0% | 100.0% | 25.0% |
Abstract Classes | Concrete Classes | Used by Packages | Uses Packages |
net.sf.json.xml.JSONTypes |
net.sf.json.xml.XMLSerializer net.sf.json.xml.XMLSerializer$CustomElement net.sf.json.xml.XMLSerializer$XomSerializer |
None | java.lang java.util net.sf.json net.sf.json.util nu.xom org.apache.commons.lang org.apache.commons.logging |
Package | Package Dependencies |
net.sf.json | net.sf.json.processors net.sf.json |
net.sf.json.filters | net.sf.json.util net.sf.json net.sf.json.processors net.sf.json |
net.sf.json.groovy | net.sf.json net.sf.json.processors net.sf.json |
net.sf.json.processors | net.sf.json net.sf.json.processors |
net.sf.json.test | net.sf.json.util net.sf.json net.sf.json.processors net.sf.json |
net.sf.json.util | net.sf.json net.sf.json.processors net.sf.json |
net.sf.json.xml | net.sf.json.util net.sf.json net.sf.json.processors net.sf.json |
Term | Description |
Number of Classes | The number of concrete and abstract classes (and interfaces) in the package is an indicator of the extensibility of the package. |
Afferent Couplings | The number of other packages that depend upon classes within the package is an indicator of the package's responsibility. |
Efferent Couplings | The number of other packages that the classes in the package depend upon is an indicator of the package's independence. |
Abstractness | The ratio of the number of abstract classes (and interfaces) in the analyzed package to the total number of classes in the analyzed package. The range for this metric is 0 to 1, with A=0 indicating a completely concrete package and A=1 indicating a completely abstract package. |
Instability | The ratio of efferent coupling (Ce) to total coupling (Ce / (Ce + Ca)). This metric is an indicator of the package's resilience to change. The range for this metric is 0 to 1, with I=0 indicating a completely stable package and I=1 indicating a completely instable package. |
Distance | The perpendicular distance of a package from the idealized line A + I = 1. This metric is an indicator of the package's balance between abstractness and stability. A package squarely on the main sequence is optimally balanced with respect to its abstractness and stability. Ideal packages are either completely abstract and stable (x=0, y=1) or completely concrete and instable (x=1, y=0). The range for this metric is 0 to 1, with D=0 indicating a package that is coincident with the main sequence and D=1 indicating a package that is as far from the main sequence as possible. |
Cycles | Packages participating in a package dependency cycle are in a deadly embrace with respect to reusability and their release cycle. Package dependency cycles can be easily identified by reviewing the textual reports of dependency cycles. Once these dependency cycles have been identified with JDepend, they can be broken by employing various object-oriented techniques. |